
We will publish specific information that supports learning for cohorts of individuals, including information on Pupil Premium, Sports funding, Year 7 catch up funding and annual accounts reports on this page.

Please see our latest plan below.

Salary Information 

Employee Salary Information (earning over 100k per annum)

Maintained schools are required to publish salary information on any employee earning over £1000,000.00 per annum.

All teaching staff in the school are paid in accordance with the School Teacher Pay and Conditions Document (STPD).  Salary levels are determined and reviewed by the Pay Committee of the Governing Body.

Employees earning over £100,000 per annum = 0

Soft play in Zone 1

Governors rigorously check that leaders can account for the spending plans for every individual disadvantaged pupil. As a result, there is little difference in the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils compared to non-disadvantaged pupils with similar starting points.

Ofsted, February 2019

Year 7 Catch Up Funding

The Department for Education (DfE) has made available additional funds for improving the attainment of pupils in Year 7 who may be at risk of underachieving. This is known as the Year 7 Catch-Up Premium. The funds are primarily aimed at improving Maths and English levels.

Please see our summary and impact reports.

Sports Funding

Please view our action plan and spending reports by following the links.

Frontage of The Beacon Folkestone
Side view of The Beacon Folkestone