Our Approach

The Beacon has learning Zones.  Zone 1 is for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), KS1 and KS2.  Zone 2 is for KS3 and KS4 and some specialist classes and Sixth Form.  Within each Zone pupils are in classes which suit their need type.

In each phase of The Beacon, learners have access to a rich and engaging curriculum with an emphasis on being needs-led.  The curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural, as well as the mental and physical development of children, to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

We are able to offer a variety of teaching and learning styles in response to individual learning with an aim of delivering the curriculum to develop independence to the best of each learner’s ability. Small learning steps underpin the curriculum and these are planned along with repetition, reinforcement and positive, developmental feedback.  We cater for pupils who have specific learning styles: for example, visual learners have a preference to seeing things, so we use a wide range of resources and methods to aid their learning, including symbols and signing.

For our pupils who are profoundly developmentally young, we use a sensory teaching approach.  Pupil understanding and learning are promoted through speech and where required through signing and symbols.  We offer an integrated and collaborative approach to care and support through The Move Programme.  The Move Programme offers a programme of learning whilst increasing functional mobility and independence through personalised care and support, positively enhancing the lives of children and young people with complex needs.

To maximise pupil access to the National Curriculum, the curriculum is extensively differentiated and regularly reviewed and adapted to ensure it is relevant, challenging and aspirational.  The Beacon provides a provision which offers support and a range of opportunities which enables pupils to achieve personal targets and goals to be best equipped to succeed in the next stage of their lives.

Pupil targets are centred around the EHCPs and are clear, achievable and frequently revised, and reflect the needs of pupils, parents/carers and agencies.  Through analysing the data we are able to demonstrate pupil progress and this, in turn, informs the EHCP outcomes and possible intervention requirements.

There is a high level of pastoral support and guidance and a continuous building of self-esteem through the recognition of pupils’ achievements.  Care and compassion are at the forefront for all pupils in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.

We believe that good behaviour is an integral part of the learning process.  Students have the right to work and develop in an atmosphere of respect, trust, security, honesty and openness, where positive relationships are valued within the school and the wider community.

Restorative Approaches are a fundamental component in helping our school community achieve this aim.  Restorative Approaches promote the truth, taking responsibility and accountability and are based on four key principles:

RESPECT: for everyone by listening to other opinions and learning to value them

RESPONSIBILITY: taking responsibility for your own actions

REPAIR: developing the skills within our school community so that individual members have the necessary skills to identify solutions to repair harm and ensure behaviours are not repeated.

REINTEGRATION: working through a structured, supportive process with the aim of solving problems and allowing young people to return to learning.

In addition to this, we believe in rewarding and celebrating achievement for both learning and behaviour.  Celebrations are held weekly throughout The Beacon.

We believe this is the most effective method of achieving a democratic community in which every voice is valued and everyone is empowered to be the best that he or she can be.

All staff at The Beacon recognise the importance of working in partnership with pupils, parents/carers and agencies to provide for the special educational needs of all our children and young people.